Spotlight: #BigBadWolfBooksPH is back in Manila

It's that time of the year again and the Philippines once again welcomes the wolf with the many books. Yup, the biggest book sale in the world is in Manila once more -- Big Bad Wolf Books.

VIP day was last Feb. 13 and the sale officially opened its doors last Valentine's Day.

Looks like BBW has learned from its rough patch from last year's faulty system. The main complaint from last year's sale was the slow check-out time. Last year saw the sale be disabled by their computer system, every item scanned took a minute or two before being read by the computers making the time at check-out last to a half-hour per customer. Seeing as it was a big sale, one customer could have about 20 or so books -- imagine how long that would take.

By the time this entry has been posted, the #BBWManila2020 has been in the country for four days and I've visited the sales three of those four days. The faulty system has been resolved and the three times I've been on the sale -- there were no lines at check-out.

The Wolf with the Books is still here for the next seven days -- here are a few tips to maximize your experience at Big Bad Wolf.

1. Take your time

Give yourself time. If you really want to maximize your visit, don't rush your browsing time. You'll only leave disappointed and with a headache. Books are likely to be tossed to every table in the Hall. You're going to find fiction in the nonfiction, children's books in the History tables and basically everywhere else.

So grab a cart, look at all the tables that you want and don't rush. It'll be exhausting but worth it. Plan your stay at the sale for about two hours -- I tried to go table by table, really browsing each stack and one column of the World Trade Center took me 40 minutes.

So either plan a long visit or plan multiple visits to truly maximize the sale.

2. A list or no list, that is the question

Yes, I apologize for repeating the horrible pun but it had to be done, again. Repeating my advice from last year, if you're going to be visiting the sale more than once, then I would suggest not to have a list on the first time and then make a list afterwards of the books you've seen.

Personally, I would let myself be surprised at their offerings and go to the sale without a list. You'll find yourself buying books you've never encountered before or a genre you'd never thought you'd venture into.

3. Take loads of pictures

Like last year, BBW has two contests that is open to everyone who have or will go to their sale.

#BBWManila20CheckIn asks you to take a creative picture of yourself while at the sale while #BBWManila20Flex asks you to take a creative picture of your book haul. All entries will be eligible for each of the coupon giveaways per day and will also be included in the grand raffle with a trolley full of books as the grand prize.

Details for the contests are found at Big Bad Wolf's Official Facebook Page

4. Follow rules

Again, food and drinks are not allowed. Bag inspection are at the entrance and other usual things for a big event. With the growing threat of the COVID19, besides bag inspections -- body temperatures are being monitored at the entrance as well as being asked to hand sanitize before entering the sale itself. Most people (organizers and booklovers) are wearing masks, it's never a bad thing to be on guard -- especially when one's health is at stake.

Hand sanitizers are also found at the Customer Service desk for people who need it.

5. Leave the bag, bring the eco or the luggages

Have your money or cards in your pocket, phone in your hand and that's about it. The cashiers accept, credit and debit cars (master and visa only). To help with moving around the sale, I really suggest just having your money/cards and phone so your hands have free reign.

It's a bit tiring to carry a bag while looking through the tables and pushing your cart. It also saved me from worrying about my personal belongings.


Big but here, don't forget to bring an eco bag for your purchases. Most cities in Metro Manila have gone plastic free -- Big Bad Wolf is following the city ordinance. They are selling eco bags for your books at 20 pesos but better to bring your own -- especially if one plan's to buy a few hard bound books.

There were a few people I saw with luggages -- it never hurts to always be prepared!

6. Return what is lost

Yes, horrible pun -- but I live for them.

Impulse buying is such a commonality when it comes to books. Case in point, last Saturday there were numerous abandoned trolleys at the side of the sale with books in them - left to fend for themselves,

Please try and bring back the books you won't be getting to the right table. Another bookworm might be in search of it -- you'd be uniting a reader with what could be the book that will change their life forever.

I know it's hard and you'll probably be tired after browsing through the entire hall -- but try and return the books to its proper place and give them to the staff so they can return the books to their proper place.

And that's about it. You have until Feb. 24 to enjoy the books that Big Bad Wolf has brought to Manila. Open 24/7, go before work or afterwards! Happy Hunting and Happy Reading!


Big Bad Wolf Book Sale is at the World Trade Center, Pasay City and is open until 11:59 PM of Feb. 24. Parking areas are available in the venue. There are food stalls inside but outside food and water cannot be brought in.

For more information please visit their websiteFacebook and Instagram pages.


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