“I should be writing…”

I say this multiple times a day(or basically every time I open the file of the book/article/story I have to
write that is due in a couple of days). But alas, other things are occupying my head. Because my brain
can’t handle all the jumbled ideas, I created this dumping ground of everything going on.

Do I think anyone will read this? Probably not. But hey, at least I can show it to my descendants and
say how incredible sarcastic, bitter yet intelligent and thought provoking I was.

As said on the side, I am worryingly obsessed with everything under the sun (movies, shows, books,
sports, food, fashion...you name it, I love it). I work in a good, secure job that pays for all the bills. I
take pictures because I see the beauty of the world through a lens. I live through the words I write
(or type if you want to be literal about it). I patiently wait for the one (because I believe in the cheesy
thing called Love).

But most of all, I am a human being who is grateful for yet another day on planet Earth.

Because each day is a gift, that’s why is called a present. ;) [As a very wise turtle once said].


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