Spotlight: #BigBadWolfBooksPH 2019

I started this blog late last year so the first BBW had already come and gone.

This year I was lucky enough to get my hands on VIP tickets a second time and indulged my bookworm heart last February 21.

I'm sure by now, everyone is aware of what BBW is. The basic is this, one huge sale of books from children's board books to books on knitting and airplanes to crossword puzzles.

As a frequent visitor of Fully Booked and Book Sale, I just had to look around and it did not disappoint. On the VIP day (basically a preview day), I ended up with 17 books, a mix lot of Fiction, Young Adult, Children's Reference, Travel and History books.

[Addendum: I've been to BBW three times. The 21st, 24th and 28th. All in all I've bought 27 books, roughly 220 each book.]

The lines were smooth then but mainly because it was the preview day and not much people were going.

Last Sunday was a whole different story. The problem is the system BBW had with payment needs tweaking. What keeps happening is every time they scanned an item, their computer system would lag for about 2 to 3 minutes. Now, normally that wouldn't be a problem but if you are catering to about a thousand or so customers, each with about 10 to 20 books a person...then you really are going to have a long line that basically snaked around the entire hall.

Today, things were finally ok and the lines moved quickly with the tables re-stocked with so many books.

With roughly four days left to maximize this sale, here are a few tips.

1. Take your time

If you're heading to the World Trade Center today until March 4, give yourself time. During the VIP day, I spent two hours just going over the books on the tables. If you really want to maximize your visit, don't rush your browsing time. You'll only leave disappointed and with a headache.

Now that the sale has been here a week, books are likely to be tossed to every table in the Hall. You're going to find fiction in the nonfiction, children's books in the History tables and basically everywhere else.

So grab a cart, look at all the tables that you want and don't rush. It'll be exhausting but worth it.

2. Sort later

The thing about this kind of sales is that regret hits back hard at the very end. Yes, you have a budget but there is what we call sorting.

My strategy with BBW has always been take what you think you might buy and once you're ready to head to the cashier and face the reality that you might not be eating for the next month with how much you spent on books, sort through the things you have in your cart.

I usually return the books I've decided not to keep but mostly everyone just leave it somewhere in a pile and volunteers of the event just re-stock the tables afterwards. [I for one do not like that and I really put them back because someone else might want the book and they'll be looking in the right area.]

3. A list or no list, that is the question

Yes, I apologize for the horrible pun but it had to be done.

So would it be better to have a list of books you want or not? Well it really depends on the person, and if you are heading to the sale on more than one occasion.

If you're going to be visiting the sale more than once, then I would suggest not to have a list on the first time and then make a list afterwards of the books you've seen.

If you're only allowing yourself one trip (why?) to BBW, I would go with a list. But, you'll be limited to the books the official Facebook and Instagram of BBW have posted because you won't have any idea what books are actually in stock.

4. Don't be shy

BBW is offering a lot of coupons and other items with their two contests. #IAmAtBBWManila19 and #ThisIsFromBBWManila19

#IAmAtBBWManila19 asks you to take a creative picture of yourself while at the sale while #ThisIsFromBBWManila19 asks you to take a creative picture of your book haul. All entries will be eligible for each of the coupon giveaways per day and will also be included in their grand raffle with a bookshelf filled with books is the grand prize.

Here are more of the details for the contest:

5. Don't be armed

As usual food and drinks are not allowed. Bag inspection are at the entrance and other usual things for a big event.

But with something as tiring as this, I would suggest to just have your money or cards in your pocket, phone in your hand and that's about it.

It's a bit tiring to carry a bag while looking through the tables and pushing your cart. It was easier for me when I left most of my stuff at the car and just had my card and phone on me. It also saved me from worrying about my personal belongings.

And that's about it. You have until March 4 to enjoy the books that Big Bad Wolf has brought to Manila. Oh, did I mention they're open 24/7? So if you have a bit of time in the morning before heading to work, I'd suggest you go and drop by since there won't be a lot of people and you can have all the books to yourself!


Big Bad Wolf Book Sale is at the World Trade Center, Pasay City and is open until 11:59 PM of March 4. Parking areas are available in the venue. There are food stalls inside but outside food and water cannot be brought in.

For more information please visit their website, Facebook and Instagram pages.


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