Spotlight: Cheer the Revolting Children in #MatildaTourMNL

Matilda was a constant companion during my childhood, both book and movie. She was the girl that was like me: a bookworm but without the unloving home and terrifying school (total opposite on both fronts for me). Roald Dahl's book was read multiple times and the movie watched anytime it was shown on TV (this was before the invention of VCDs, yes I'm that old). I had only learned about the musical recently and jumped at the opportunity to watch it a the London West End production visits the Philippines for its International Tour. PLOT: I won't get into much detail since Matilda is beloved children's book and movie. Basically the story revolves around Matilda, a very intelligent little girl who is born into a family that pretty much do not care for her existence one bit. She finally reaches the age that will be heading to school, which for Matilda, seems like freedom. School presents salvation in the form of Matilda's teacher Miss Honey, and terror in ...